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Christianne Heal
Counselling and Psychotherapy
Cambridge / London

Artwork by Christianne Heal

“The craving for colour is a natural necessity just as for water or fire. Colour is the raw material indispensable for life. At every era of his existence and his history, the human being has associated colour with his joys, his actions and his pleasures”.
- Fernand Léger, On Monumentality and Colour.

Please click on the images to see a larger size view

Gallery. Gallery Sunlight S

Sunlight 1 1996

is a collage by Cambridgeshire artist Christianne Heal.

This artwork has been chosen by Amnesty Ely City Group for their 2021 fundraiser!

This is my interpretation of being confined in prison with sunlight filtering through the bars of the cell. I was inspired to create it after reading a column written by Terry Waite, who was held hostage for 1,763 days. He wrote: 'I learned to be grateful for simple things. That Christmas day the electric light had failed, as it often did, and I sat in the dark throughout the day with just a small candle to give me light. It was wonderful when dawn broke to see a small beam of light find its way through a gap in the shutters that covered the window in my cell. I extinguished the candle and the sunbeam illuminated the whole room with a soft, gentle glow.' This card costs £1.50 for one and £4.00 for three plus package and postage. It is 10cm x 15cm. If you would like to place an order, please do so through our email address: info@amnestyely.org.uk

Coloured Squares

This recent collage shows my continued love of colour and reflects my optimistic approach to the value of therapy.

Gallery. Gallery Many Coloured Squares S

Healing Waves

As you sit with me you may experience waves of healing energy. As you see from this image, healing waves come in many forms, sometimes warm and sometimes cool, and may help you to rebalance your energy.

Gallery. Gallery Waves S

Christmas Tree

The Christmas Tree is an emblem of our celebration of this annual festival. Colours in this image reflect the variety of our emotional responses to our encounters with our family and friends at this time, which we will explore in my Christmas workshop. For more information see the Workshops tab.

Gallery. Gallery Xmas Tree S

Stained Glass Window

This image reflects my multi-faceted approach to therapy, just as light is refracted through stained glass windows.

Gallery. Gallery Stained Glass Window

Adam & Eve

This image shows the eternal meeting of Man and Woman

Gallery. Gallery Adam and Eve S

Union and Disunion

Union and Disunion: closeness and struggle

Gallery. Gallery Black & White Cutout S

Unravelling skeins

Unravelling skeins of anxiety

Gallery. Gallery Untitled S

Christmas Card 2020

I wanted to acknowledge the difficult time we have all shared during the year due to the Coronavirus.

Gallery. Gallery Christmas Card 2020


This is my first artwork which I made aged seven, showing an early love of colour.

Gallery. Gallery Needlework

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